Pursuing a College Degree Doesn’t Make You a “Bad mom” but if it Does, then Go on with Your Bad Self!

The basic definition of a mother is a woman who raises children, though that definition can be altered a few ways. Historically, mothers have been the main caregiver of children - they stay up all night, they clean up after the kids, feed them, change them, etc. One "quality" of a "good" mother is unwavering … Continue reading Pursuing a College Degree Doesn’t Make You a “Bad mom” but if it Does, then Go on with Your Bad Self!

Etched on Heart and Wrist: When You Lose Someone

I've spent a lot of my life searching. I had given up on a lot of plans and goals because I honestly didn't see myself as worthy. I was always searching - for what? I don't know. I suppose I was searching for purpose, for identity, for something to fill the void I felt in my heart. I was lost...until I went to college. And then still a little lost until I met Ellen Caldwell.

Self-Care is a MUST: How experiencing Postpartum depression for a second time made me a self-advocate.

It's an ugly place to be - one where you feel alone and isolated from everyone, really. You can't sleep or you sleep too much. You can't eat or you can't stop eating. You cry. You panic. You feel angry, sad, confused, and overwhelmed all in one breath. You contemplate your life - you begin … Continue reading Self-Care is a MUST: How experiencing Postpartum depression for a second time made me a self-advocate.

I Love College, But I’m Done: 3 Signs That You’re Ready to Finish Your Academic Career

I am writing this from 36,000 feet above somewhere between Nashville and Los Angeles, thinking about horizons as I peer out the window and admire the horizon. New horizons, I keep thinking. And that's why I am writing this particular blog. As I face the last three weeks of the semester, I've reflected upon my … Continue reading I Love College, But I’m Done: 3 Signs That You’re Ready to Finish Your Academic Career